抢购热线: 1(416)-318-8915
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About the David Wei, Top 1% of Agents Nationwide
即刻致电或短信 1-416-318-8915 或添加微信 “contact0123”
【 21世纪地产全国销量第一名及唯一十年蝉联最高双金奖得主 】
我不仅是地产经纪人,而是你的终身私人值得信赖的地产规划专家. 分享你的理想 置业理财计划,让我来分享我每年上千万的成交地产经验,祝你无忧安家置业。 The process of buying or selling a home takes patience, knowledge, integrity and top notch skills in negotiating. These are skills that he is confident that he can provide and welcomes you to contact anytime!
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